Tuesday, September 15, 2009

four principles from ellen davis

1. Meet the expectations of the land.
2. Acknowledge ignorance, cultivate humility and fear of the Lord.
3. Avoid abstraction in favor of materialism.
4. Land is about life and place, not price.

from Scripture, Culture and Agriculture (Cambridge Press)

Friday, September 11, 2009


I am reading Ellen Davis' Scripture, Culture and Agriculture (Cambridge Press). She is an Old Testament scholar on the faculty of Duke Divinity School, and has been working at the intersection of biblical studies and agrarian concern for a number of years. I have heard some of this in lecture form, and it is wonderful to see it in print.

getting started

A beginning blog on seeking to live a simpler life. I have another blog, but the words here will be sparer, and more focused, and the links will be helpful.